The belief of angels assisting us on our journey to heaven has been a tradition that was handed on to us from Judaism. Many stories in the Old Testament tell of angels not only spiritually assisting God’s people, but also being physically present. Mary and Jesus themselves interact with angels as they carry out God’s will for the salvation of the world. 

Christian veneration of the guardian angels can be traced back to the 4th century, but likely occurred prior to this on a local level. The 12th century saw the popularity of the familiar Guardian Angel prayer, and the 17th century formalized the feast day in the Roman Calendar. There are indulgences that are offered for those who say the Guardian Angel prayer faithfully and consistently. 

Relying on the assistance of angels to carry out our daily acts in a holy way is essential. In a mysterious way, angels communicate God’s grace in service to us. The Psalms relay to us that the angels bear us up and encamp around us for our safety and protection. They fight for our salvation and worship God alongside the saints in heaven.