I remember one day at work feeling so lost.  After I had finished my work for the day instead of walking to my car, I stopped in at church. It was empty and silent.  All the lights were off except for a small light shining on the tabernacle and the red candle reminding me that God was present behind the gold doors.  I thought that I was going to sit in one of the pews off to the side, but my feet kept walking.  I was no longer in control of my feet as they were drawn closer and closer to the altar. Before I knew it, I had walked past the front pew and was in front of the step that would have brought me up to the sanctuary. A sense of vulnerability and a dash of overwhelm went through me.  I went down to my knees and my heart pulled me prostrate on the floor.  I started to cry. My body relaxed like a child that finally fell asleep. 

“Lord, I can’t do this alone. I thought I could, but I am so tired. I have nothing left. Please carry me. Please bring me what I need to properly complete the work you have put in front of me. I am yours.  Help me, Lord. Please, help me. Do with me what You will.” 

The days, weeks and months following that visit to church put into motion many answered prayers.  The Lord sent me the strength I needed for each day, the staff I needed to fulfill the mission at work, prepared me for challenges I would face elsewhere, and provided many other blessings that I have not yet seen. 

In today’s Gospel, the arrest of Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist, moved Jesus northeast from Nazaraeth to Galilee.  This journey not only set in motion the calling of His disciples, His public ministry, and ultimately His death and resurrection, but also fulfilled the Old Testament scriptures cited in the Gospel – simply in where He walked!  As you reflect on this Gospel passage, I encourage you to pray and ask the Lord what has He set in motion for you? For what/for whom is the Lord preparing you? Where does the Lord need you to walk?