St. John Vianney, or the Cure de Ars, was born during the French Revolution which rendered Catholicism illegal. He received all of his sacraments secretly. While in theological studies, he was drafted into Napoleon’s Army, but deserted after becoming sick. After being pardoned, he continued his studies and was ordained a priest. He was eventually assigned to be pastor of Ars, where he strived to bring the people out of their complacent and sinful ways.
St. John Vianney spent hours in the confessional, often from sunrise to sunset. He is attributed the gift of being able to read souls, and people from all over Europe came to Him for the sacrament. St. John Vianney also had continuous mocking and temptations from the devil. Satan even said that if there were three priests like St. John Vianney, his kingdom would fall. After he died, he was canonized and named the patron saint of parish priests.