St. Scholastica was born in the 6th century, and was brother to St. Benedict. As St. Benedict established his famous monastery in Monte Casino, Scholastica went to head a monastery of nuns not far from Benedict. Bringing companions with them, the two met once a year on a separate property, as was set down by the rule of St. Benedict. The visits often discussed spiritual matters, and they would return to spend the night in their own monasteries. 

One evening, St. Scholastica asked her brother to stay until the morning, which he refused to do. She prayed and a thunderstorm sprang up that did not allow St. Benedict or his companions to return to the monastery. They continued to discuss the spiritual matters until morning, true to St. Scholastica’s desires. Three days later, St. Scholastica passed away, and her brother had a vision of her soul ascending into heaven. She is the patron saint of cloistered nuns.