St. Joseph is the earthly father of Jesus. He is the true father to Jesus in everything other than biological paternity. As His father, Joseph would have taught Jesus about His heavenly father, the Jewish scriptures, and his trade as carpenter. In addition, Joseph was the defender of Jesus and Mary from worldly evils. 

Joseph is known for his virtues of poverty, chastity, and humility. Joseph never speaks a word in the Gospels, yet we see him take Mary into his home amidst scandal, protect her in her pregnancy, and respond to four angelic dreams without hesitation. 

All the actions in Joseph’s life were the result of deep faith and humility that allowed his life to be ordered to the will of his Heavenly Father. Even though he was the only member of the Holy Family mired with Original Sin, Joseph was the foundation of the family from which the New Adam and New Eve would come forth to enact God’s salvation for the entire world. Joseph gives us the example of quiet, humble holiness that reminds us God prefers to work in the silence of our hearts.