To possess his soul is the great happiness of man; and the more perfect our patience is, the more perfectly do we possess our souls. – St. Francis de Sales 

We always do enough, when God works with us. – St. Francis de Sales

This is the glory of man: to persevere and remain in the service of God……His disciples do not glorify him by following him, but in following the Son of God they were gloried by him. – St. Irenaeus 


Saints are those who have allowed Jesus thoroughly to transfigure them from within. – Bishop Barron 

It’s God who acts, and if we give ourselves to his creative power, he will make us into something far better than we ever could. – Bishop Barron 

We haven’t been given the gift of life to pretend we aren’t dependent on He Who made us. We haven’t been given the gift of memory to suddenly toss aside the discipline of our Faith instilled in us in the past. We haven’t been given the gift of hope to let our focus drift away from the Resurrection. We haven’t been given the gift of charity to seek only what is best for ourselves. – Fr. Andy Derouen 

Man’s worth is greater because of what he is than because of what he has. – Gaudium et Spes

I gave him a memory to recall my goodness, for I wanted him to share in my own power. I gave him an intellect to know and understand my will through the wisdom of my Son, for I am the giver of every good gift and I love him with a father’s constant love. Through the Holy Spirit I gave him a will to love what he would come to know with his intellect. – God to Catherine of Siena 

The only great tragedy in life is not to become a saint. – León Bloy 

I am sure, however, that when you look to the example of those who have gone before you in faith, you will not let your hearts become lukewarm. – Pope Francis 

Do not be afraid to set your sights higher, to allow yourself to be loved and liberated by God. – Pope Francis 

Do not be afraid to set your sights higher, to allow yourself to be loved and liberated by God. – Pope Francis 

Holiness does not make you less human, since it is an encounter between your weakness and the power of God’s grace. – Pope Francis 

The “mastery” over the world that God offered man from the beginning was realized above all within man himself: mastery of self. – CCC 377