“In times of adversity, one forgets prosperity. In times of prosperity, one forgets adversity.” – Sirach 11:25
This is one of the Bible verses we’ve taught our kids over the last few years. At first it sounds like a good life lesson, or one that could build character or understanding. However, the number of times I’ve found myself saying that silently to myself or looking up across the room and saying it to my husband (or vice versa) is quite humorous. I feel like it’s been all too applicable in our life, which, when you think about it, makes sense – it’s the Bible.
Whether it’s 100+ degrees and we are sweating outside dreaming of 70 degree weather, or the opposite and shoveling snow wishing for 50 degree weather – it’s easy to realize how “good” you had it when the weather was more ideal. And when you have had multiple days in a row of below freezing temperatures, it’s easy to think that warmer days may never come.
Or in times of sickness and health. Like right now – I’m *hopefully* on day one of feeling better after a terrible weekend of being sick. While your body aches and you have a killer headache and chills – you realize how much you’ve taken for granted what it means to be healthy, while simultaneously forgetting what being healthy feels like.
The same could be said of much bigger times of trial or joyous occasions – we truly do forget what it feels like to be on the other end of the spectrum. But I think what is important to remember is that we will face many times of adversity and many times of prosperity. Maybe our lives see more adversity than prosperity – or more prosperity than adversity. Maybe it’s in the little things, or the really big things, but we will see times of both.
This past Sunday, our priest spoke about how we know God is the light of the world, but we can despise Him when we are faced with darkness – about how we know God is a great healer, but we can be angry when we grow sick – and so on. God can do big “things”. God can do small “things”. Maybe those “things” don’t go the way we want, but He is with us through every “thing” we go through in life. He’s with us as we face adversity and He’s with us in times of prosperity. He’s with us in mediocrity and the monotony. There is no “thing” we have to go through alone.
So rejoice in times of adversity and prosperity, because that is where you will find God. Through life’s highs and lows – God is with you, having already faced everything you will ever have to face.
“For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39